Grow Your Business Organically with Our Foundational Local SEO Service


Plant Seeds for Online Visibility

Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people are looking for your service.  Problem is they can’t find you.

Nurture the Organic Traffic Growth

Chances of earning clicks on the 2nd page of Google is virtually zero.  Lets work on moving towards page one

Harvest the Bounty from SEO Efforts

The objective of implementing SEO is to be found by customers who need and find value in your services

Learn About Our Unique SEO Process

How will CC Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?

We do the foundation work needed to build on your existing strengths and exploit opportunities.  The intent is to focus only on what’s important to move your revenue needle.

What is our Work-Flow?

We need to learn about your company, it’s culture, it’s products, it’s ideal customer, and you, the person who is the change agent, or driving force behind the company.  Then we’ll audit your online presence, compare you to competitors, root out qualifying keywords, determine best course of action for on-page & off-page SEO, continually monitor for improvements, and be flexible to pivot if need be.

Do you Adhere to Google's Webmaster Best Practices?

Yes.  Google has published a best practices guide which you can view by clicking here.  CC takes the high road, no exceptions, so don’t ask us to perform any illicit practices.

Can We Guarantee a #1 Ranking Position in Google, Bing, or Yahoo?

No.  Only Google, Bing, and Yahool can control ranking position.  We can guarantee the due dillegence required to find qualified search phrases with the best opportunites to rank well

Will Cultivating Clicks Share All Website Changes?

Yes of course, it’s your website.  Search engine optimization will require a number of changes to your website.  We can either submit recommended changes for approval or we can report changes made.  Your choice

How does CC Measure the Success of SEO Campaigns?

Return On Investment is the only Measurement that really matters.  We monitor rankings and tweak content to always improve, but our Goal is always ROI. 

What is Cultivating Clicks Communication Plan?

Generally once a month we’ll communicate a project overview with updates on completed tasks, search phrase rankings, and a plan for the next month.  You will always have a direct line at 715-896-4094 for urgent questions.    

Featured Services

Baseline Audit

A in-depth analysis of current condition. Outline plan for future condition.

Technical SEO

Remedy website issues interfering with search engine ranking ability

Phrase Analysis

Targeted keyword research to uncover qualifying long and short tail phrases 

On Page SEO

Improve search visibility by aligning page elements with targeted key phrases

Build Authority

Improve relevancy for targeted key phrases with content and connections

Competitor Study

Surveillance  of competition is crucial to  maintaining rankings

SEO Packages