Questions about SEO

What does SEO mean?

SEO is an acroynm for Search Engine Optimization

What is the practice of SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the practice of optimizing website content, building websites relevancy, and improving website performance.

The intent of SEO is to improve ranking positions organically in an effort to attract high value visitors without having to pay for online advertising.

Should My Business Be Implementing SEO

If your business uses a website to sell  services or products, and you are looking to increase revenue from that website. Then,  Yes you would benefit in the long run from doing some form of search engine optimization. 

How will SEO help?

Even if your services or products are better then your online competitor, you will not out perform them in ranking positions if they did a good SEO job. 

Can we do SEO ourselves?

Yes of course you can.  SEO can be learned by anyone who has the time and patience, here is good resource to get you started.

MOZ Beginners Guide to SEO 

How much should we spend on SEO?

Spend what you can to achieve the results you want.  Start small then reinvest over time.  Plan on a minium of $500 a month, which is less expensive than hiring a new employee and more effective than doing it yourself.

The average small-business SEO services runs between around $750 a month up to $5000 a month.  With a minimum 6 month investment. Some of the bigger company’s have been known to invest $10,000 to $100,000 a month and even over $1 million.


Why are Businesses willing to Pay for SEO?

Mainly because in the long run it’s less expensive than advertising which makes it a more attractive ROI

Why is SEO so expensive?

Expensive is relative.  If your SEO campaign investment is $10,000 and it brings in $30,000 in revenue then that’s a pretty good deal.

Good SEO requires Research, Planning & Expertise, all of which require Time.  A genuine SEO will:

  • Be working their butt off on your behalf.
  • Be studying your strengths and weakness compared to your online competitors.
  • Seeking out high-value key phrase that have the opportunity to rank
  • Developing a strategy for relevant content
  • Continuously monitoring for improvement opportunities

The SEO should become an extension to your business.  They should be engaged and excited for your successes

Once I start SEO, how long will take to get rankings?

If your competing locally then 3-6 months, if your competing nationally then 6 months to 2 years.

Is traffic a good measure of SEO?

No. If a 1000 visitors click to your site and leave without any interaction, then you have traffic but no conversions.  SEO is about helping you get qualified visitors who have a genuine interest in your service or products.

When should I stop doing SEO?

In today’s online world SEO should be part of your new normal cost of doing business.  You should budget for it and make it part of your continual improvement process.

Should I used PPC advertising and SEO?

If possible yes you should.

PPC is good for getting clicks NOW while your waiting for SEO to kick in.  It’s also a good tool to test your targeted key phrases.